Kanagawa International School, International School, Preschool, Kindergarten, Yokohama International School, English Education, Kindergarten English, English Conversation
* Kanagawa International School is a private childcare facility. If you are certified as needing childcare, you can claim subsidy from your municipality. (Totsuka school, Fujisawa school)
* Totsuka School is certified as a facility for the support project of various group activity projects in Yokohama City. 20000yen per month subsidy for 3 years old or older children who are the citizen of Yokohama city. (No childcare certification required)
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School Visit / Trial
School tour / trial
Accepting at any time.
Call or Email for reservation.
Please apply by phone or email.
SINCE 2003
・Winter Course 2024 12/23-27 受付中
・Lunar New Year Course 2025
Jan 20-Feb 7 戸塚校 受付中
Principal Nishina Orie
After graduating from Kanagawa Prefectural Hakuyo High School, the university went on to study English and obtained a junior high and high school English teacher license. In addition, in order to teach preschoolers, we are registered as a childcare worker under the Child Welfare Act. At Saint Maur International School, he has been a class mom, a girl scout leader, and a coordinator representative for three years at the Japan booth. Also in each country International School We are energetically working for KIS by keeping in touch with the ambassador to Japan, the heads of related UN agencies, and the Minister of Japan.
Currently, he is the Chief Manager of the International School Network, the principal of Kanagawa International School , and the representative of Nishina Mother English.
Headmistress Orie Nishina
Orie Nishina acquired her qualifications as a high school and junior high school student during her university years as an English education major student. Upon graduation, she has received her Nursing Teacher License.
Ms. Orie has a wide range of relations with international schools and embassies nationwide.
Firstly, as a class mother at St. Maur International School, she has led clubs like the Girl Scouts and coordinated events including the Japanese Booth at the annual Food Fair.
Finally, as the Chief Manager of the student organization, International School Network, she has coordinated and attended meetings with over 100 Ambassadors, Directors of United Nations organizations, and Japanese Ministers.
UNICEF 2024年9月
国際刑事裁判所(ICC) 2024年9月
フィリピン大使館 2024年9月
イスラエル大使 2024年9月
EU大使館 2023年12月
トルコ共和国大使館 2023年11月
インド大使館 2023年10月
ウクライナ大使館 2023年9月
イエメン大使館 2023年9月
リトアニア大使館 2023年9月
コソボ大使館 2023年9月
メキシコ大使館 2022年5月
ギリシャ大使館 2022年3月
コスタリカ大使館 2022年3月
ハイチ大使館 2022年3月
アフガニスタン大使館 2018年11月
外務省 2018年2月 国際司法協力担当大使・参与 最高検察庁 検事
ミャンマー大使館 建国記念レセプション 2018年1月
緒方貞子元国連難民高等弁務官 エジプト建国レセプション 2016年7月エジプト大使館
2019年10月1日 ウルグアイ大使公邸にて