Kanagawa International School, International School, Preschool, Kindergarten, Yokohama International School, English Education, Kindergarten English, English Conversation
* Kanagawa International School is a private childcare facility. If you are certified as needing childcare, you can claim subsidy from your municipality. (Totsuka school, Fujisawa school)
* Totsuka School is certified as a facility for the support project of various group activity projects in Yokohama City. 20000yen per month subsidy for 3 years old or older children who are the citizen of Yokohama city. (No childcare certification required)
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School Visit / Trial
School tour / trial
Accepting at any time.
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SINCE 2003
・Winter Course 2024 12/23-27 受付中
・Lunar New Year Course 2025
Jan 20-Feb 7 戸塚校 受付中
We have developed our own curriculum, and it includes music, sports, show and tell, manners, science, literacy, maths, and the arts.
We use Scholastic Decodable Readers (preschool to kindergarten level) and the Oxford Reading Tree (kindergarten to grade 6 level, and continued at Sunday elementary classes).
I Sense of Self
1.Shows ability to separate from family and adjust to new situations
2.Demonstrates appropriate trust in adults
3.Recognize and expresses own feelings and responds appropriately
4.Stands up for rights
II Responsibility for Self and Others
1. Demonstrates self-direction and independence
2. Takes responsibility for own actions
3. Respects and cares for classroom environment and materials
4. Follows classroom routines
5. Follows classroom rules
III Pro-Social Behavior
1. Plays well with others children
2. Is able to make friends
3. Recognizes the feelings of others and responds appropriately
4. Shares and respects the rights of others
5. Uses thinking skills to resolve conflicts
I Gross Motor Skills
1. Demonstrates basic locomotor skills (running, jumping, hopping, galloping)
2. Shows balance while moving
3. Climbs up and down play equipment
4. Demonstrates throwing, kicking, and catching skills
II Fine Motor Skills
1. Strengthens and controls small muscles in hands
2. Coordinates eye-hand movement
3. Uses tools for writing and drawing
4. Cuts with scissors
I Learning and Problem Solving
1. Observes objects and events with curiosity
2. Approaches problems flexibly, using multiple strategies
3. Shows persistence in approaching tasks
4. Explores cause and effect
5. Applies knowledge or experience to a new context
II Logical Thinking
1. Classifies objects
2. Compares / measures
3. Arranges objects in a series
4. Recognizes patterns and can repeat them
5. Shows awareness of time concepts and sequence
6. Uses one-to-one correspondence
7. Uses numbers and counting
III Representation and Symbolic Thinking
1. Takes on pretend roles and situations
2. Makes believe with objects
3. Makes and interprets representations
I Listening and Speaking
1. Hears and discriminates the sounds of the English language
2. Expresses self using words and expanded sentences
3. Understands and follows oral directions
4. Answers questions
5. Ask questions
6. Participates as a equal partner in conversations
II Reading and Writing
1. Enjoys and Values reading
2. Demonstrates understanding of print concepts
3. Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabet
4. Uses emerging reading skills to make meaning from print
5. Comprehends and interprets meaning from books and other texts
6. Understands the purpose of writing / writes letters and words